ROSWELL DISC CRASH REPORT: U.S. ARMY AIR FORCE. A highly-classified intelligence Report was created July 9, 1947, just 5 days after the first two reported UFO crashes, (July 4-6, in New Mexico). It contains fascinating details about the two just-crashed UFOs and the human-like extraterrestrial bodies found within them. It reveals that the military's greatest concern was that someone else would find out about the super-advanced technology those UFOs contained. You can see in this 1947 report the military's beginning panic about the threat to U.S. military superiority that this highly advanced ET technology represented if an enemy country were to have it. Army Counterintelligence sprang into action to cover up the UFO crashes, and get the recovered UFO technology immediately to its elite laboratories for analysis, with the help of the best experts in U.S. private industry and Universities.
You can read this 7-page crash report at:
This race for supremacy created a tight, secret, lavishly-funded collaboration: the Military-Industrial Complex that General Eisenhower would warn about 13 years later in his Presidential Farewell Address, as this exotic technology sparked an enormous Research & Development program to keep ahead of any rivals.
This Report was classified SECRET, then TOP SECRET, then ULTRA, and restricted to 'those persons with MAJIC ACCESS, reserved for members of MJ-12 (MAJESTIC COMMITTEE supervising extraterrestrial matters.)
This military-intelligence Report is the 'Smoking Gun' which UFO researchers have long awaited to see.
It proves that for 75 years top-most government officials have known that UFOs are real and carry intelligent visitors from space.

Richard Boylan, Ph.D., COE