All photos here are of actual extraterrestrial persons! Also here are highly accurate drawings of ET races [when photos are not available]. Some drawings are the artwork of David Chace, talented Washington State artist who accurately drew various Star Visitors based on descriptions given by experiencers [people visited by an ET]. Dr. Boylan appreciates David's permission to share those excellent illustrations. []

FUTURE RADIATION-MUTATED HUMANS like EBE-3 [shown above] WOULD BE MISNAMED 'TALL ZETAS' AFTER A PREDICTED NUCLEAR WAR RUINS EARTH, (UNLESS PREVENTED). The 1 million survivors eventually migrate to Zeta Reticuli, where Short Zetas kindly give them refuge.. Today's humans often mistake these Mutant-Humans for "ETs" when they time-travel back to present-day Earth pre-WW III to warn experiencers, who mistakenly call them "Tall Zetas". Envoy EBE-3 was sent back from the future to warn humans to avoid global nuclear war by not voting for a U.S. Presidential candidate in the present time who'd start WW III [@ 2027]. Among dead billions, only a relative handful of disfigured mutants like EBE-3 would end up as survivors of that War.

This star woman is the same Mary~Miriam who 2,030 years ago chose to incarnate as a Human in Sepphoris (north of Nazareth), Palestine. At 16 she conceived Jesus by parthenogenesis and raised him with her consort Joseph in Nazareth. NOTICE MARY'S HAND RAISED PALM OPEN (A COMMON SIGN OF GREETING AND PEACE). MARY~MIRIAM WANTS EVERYONE TO KNOW WHAT ACTUAL STAR PERSONS LOOK LIKE. MARY SAYS "SOME STAR PEOPLE LOOK DIFFERENT THAN HUMANS DO, WHILE OTHERS LOOK THE SAME. BUT WE'RE ALL BASICALLY PEOPLE. AND WE ENJOY MAKING FRIENDS."
Naval Intelligence Director Admiral Ed Shaefer took this Photo of Councillor Mary at the Naval Observatory in Washington, DC in 1989. Notice the distinctive patterning and fine pebble-grain texture on her skull bone and skin, and her gentle 'Mona-Lisa' faint smile. Colonel Steve Wilson, Air Force Office of Special Investigations, (Dr. Boylan's informant and late friend), told an aide that after the Cononel died to give Dr. Boylan this photo. Dr. Boylan deeply treasures it.

Mary~Miriam [photo below], a woman Visitor from Altimar-3, appeared in a 1989 AMOCO [Standard Oil of Indiana] two-page advertisement black and white photo in Aviation Week and Space Technology magazine, no text, only the photo. The ad's headline tease: "Technology so advanced it will help you answer some big questions." On the second page of the ad, AMOCO displayed a photo of that Mary in shadow, showing her head, shoulders, and four-fingered hand raised in a gesture of friendship, but no other explanation. Aviation Week magazine long has had a reputation for publishing leaks of sensitive information from the aerospace industry's covert projects [UFO-related] section. Back in 1989 people running the UFO Cover-Up were just beginning to acclimate the public through "leaks", preparing the public for later Official Announcement of Extraterrestrial Reality [not for 33 more years.]

Dr. Boylan's hand-drawing of Altimar-3 Councillor Mary [photo below] from memory
a month after his first encounter and briefing by her in New Mexico desert (1992).

Star Visitor Photos page two

Star Visitor Photos page three

Star Visitor Photos page four

Star Visitor Photos page five

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